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Great start to #PortHour - let's make next Monday bigger and better

OK, so the sunset on Monday didn't quite look like the image above - but the launch of #PortHour was still pretty spectacular.

For those of you who haven't caught up with what happened on Monday, the basics of #PortHour are pretty simple.

Every Monday between 8pm and 9pm anyone in Newport with a great story to tell can share it on Twitter using the hashtag #PortHour or by following the Twitter account @PortHour, which I manage.

It really is as simple as that.

It doesn't cost anything. You don't get any follow-up emails or calls from me.

It's just a quick, free and easy way for people in Newport to promote and share information about their businesses or charities or events or ... anything really.

Monday's first #PortHour attracted almost 40 contributors and sparked a number of online conversations.

Almost 150 people are following the @PortHour account.

Now those figures might seem like a drop in the ocean but everything has to start somewhere - and I think the engagement levels for the first #PortHour were pretty good.

The key to its success now is for those involved in the first one to stay involved and to share the experience with their friends and contacts in Newport.

Other social media hours across the UK have been running for years and some have tens of thousands of followers.

Can Newport's weekly social media hour be as successful? There's no reason why not. But it's down to all of us to make it a success.

Newport has so much great stuff happening - but much of it is often a well-kept secret.

That's partly because people feel they cannot afford to advertise or promote what they are doing via traditional media routes.

Well, no more.

#PortHour is here for everyone in Newport with brilliant things to share.

It costs nothing and it could not be simpler to use.

We've made a start now let's make next Monday - and every Monday - bigger and better.

Don't forget; #PortHour is every Monday from 8pm to 9pm. It's your hour.

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